Inquiry Learning
Inquiry Units are planned so that each class is studying the same Social Science, Science, Technology, and Health, topic at the same time. This is so that teachers and children can share ideas and resources and the whole school is buzzing with children who are enthusiastic about their learning.
During each theme study, we include experiences and activities that will excite and capture the imagination of the children in order to enhance their learning.
Some examples include -
a Japanese Day
Ancient Greek Banquet
Ancient Egyptian Day
Viking Day
The Olympic Games
A Hangi
River Study
Bridge exhibition
Searching for insects
Farm Trips
Otago Museum
Early Settlers Museum
Art Gallery
Kavanagh College's annual major production
Botanical Gardens
Beach Trip
Wind Farm
Law Courts, Police Station
Local Farms
Lawrence - gold panning
Lawrence Museum
And these are only some of the events and places that our learning has taken us to!