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Service to Others

Children are taught to think about the plight of others less fortunate, and some of the ways in which they help include –

Local Food Bank
Parents support their children’s understanding of the importance of pastoral care of others by sending along grocery items for the local Food Bank.  The children are aware of how important it is to share with others, especially those whose circumstances are less fortunate.








Wacky Hair Day

We hold a Wacky Hair Day. Proceeds are sent to the organisation for Child Cancer.  We always try to participate in this so that children are taught to have empathy for others.






Mufti Day – Otago Hospice

We raise funds to support the Dunedin Hospice by holding a Mufti-Day. 



Caritas Coin Trail

It is important that the children learn to understand and assist others.  The children learn about children in the world who are less fortunate than they.  They support these children by having an annual coin trail.  









Clean Up Clutha
Children always participate in the Clean Up Clutha campaign – ensuring that children understand the importance of looking after our planet.        










The school is not only a welcoming and inclusive place for those who come there, but is one which teaches, by example, outreach and care for those in need, both in the local area and further afield.”

 ERO - 2018

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