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School Profile

St Mary's School, 7 Chaucer Street, Milton is an Integrated Primary School.  We are a Catholic Primary School for boys and girls from Year 1 to Year 6, offering an education with a special character.

We are situated in the small town of Milton.


The building consists of 4 attractive generous sized classrooms. There is a foyer and reception area, Principals office, four resource rooms, a well-resourced Library, a Medical room, and a Staff room.

The School is set in a most picturesque location with beautiful grounds, comprising of well- established trees and native gardens, a prayer garden and a children’s vegetable garden. This is complemented by a sizeable hard surfaced playing area, large playing fields, and an exceptionally well-developed adventure playground which includes a confidence course. 


The Church which is alongside the School, is an integral part of our students’ journey in faith.  We also have the use of the Parish Hall.


We provide a safe, supportive, stimulating and attractive environment that encourages children to embrace learning, think independently and self-manage.  We strive to offer the best educational opportunities we can - opportunities that are broad, child-centered, authentic and purposeful. The 'family' atmosphere at St Mary’s is a strength of our school, with an emphasis on the development of each individual.


Strengths of the School include small class sizes in the junior area in the core curriculum areas of literacy and numeracy, early intervention programmes, and high interest programmes. High expectations are fostered and high achievement is expected.  A strong work ethos is promoted throughout the school.


The whole complex has wireless capability and lends itself to cutting-edge delivery of information technology for staff and students.


Parents are proud of St Mary's School and take an active role in the life of the school. We promote and embrace strong family values in our teaching and learning. Our School is perceived as having a warm, caring atmosphere, with excellent relationships and communications between home and school. 


As well as the Board of Trustees, the Church community and the Home and School are actively supportive and loyal to the school.


If you would like to learn more about our school please browse our website. If you have an enquiry about enrolment please email the school on or telephone 03 4178585.


Diane Hayes                                                                     


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