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Reward System





Cultural Competency Whare

We have introduced a Cultural Competency Whare to help our children with their learning and behaviour.  The Tataiako Cultural Competencies are interlinked with our Catholic School values.


The Whare has four cornerstones:

  • Manaakitanga (Respect and Kindness)

  • Whanaungatanga (Relationships)

  • Ako (Responsibility of Learning)

  • Wananga (Communication).





These four cornerstones are the base that carries the roof of Tangata Whenuatanga (Culture) that we all bring into the classroom.


The Whare enables our children to celebrate who they are and helps them to become well mannered, responsible, hard learners who can achieve goals independently and successfully.

Alongside teachers using the Whare in each classroom, the children are now engaging in badge rubrics that are based on the four cornerstone competencies.


Each term, the children will be working on implementing a cornerstone value into their everyday learning through engaging in activities that reflect them.

Each classroom has its own rubric that the children work on to achieve a wrist band - eg – we are currently working on the Manaakitanga wrist band and children who earn them will be presented with them at the end of the term.


Once children have collected the different competency wrist bands during the year, they will be presented with their Cultural Badge at the end of the school year. 




Each week at assembly – 4 children are chosen to receive the following awards:

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